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How Can I Use Icons to Make Coins in FIFA Ultimate Team? What is the Best FUT Trading Method to Use With Icon Players?


Icon trading is very simple FUT trading method but building the knowledge you need to do it successfully is very difficult. Icon trading is just buying an icon for a good value price and then selling them on for a profit. You must learn the price fluctuations of an Icon to identify what is a good price to buy them for.

Trading with Icons is high risk, high reward because their value is so high. You need to make quick decisions when buying icons as any that are listed for a good deal don’t last long on the FUT market.


Start with one icon, learn their price fluctuations inside out and then move on to more icons as you build your FIFA trading knowledge.

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Step-by-Step FIFA Trading Method Guide.


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Trading with Icons is high risk, high reward. You need to be confident that you fully understand the true value of the Icon player you’re trading with!

1. Pick an Icon player that’s within your budget.

Pick an Icon that you can afford. We recommend that you do not risk more than half of your FUT coin balance.

2. Study the FUT market and learn when and why their price fluctuates.

Use FUTBIN’s price graphs to learn the price fluctuations of your chosen Icon.

3. Monitor the market, if your Icon gets listed for a good price pick them up.

The only way you’re going to get Icon players for a good deal is by monitoring the market. Icons are very rare so this can take a while. You need to make a quick decision because if an Icon is listed for a good deal they won’t be around for long.

4. Hold them until their value rises and sell them for a profit.

If you decide to pick up an Icon, you should already know their price fluctuations! When their market price is at its highest sell them for a profit.

5. Repeat the process, learn the value and fluctuations of more Icons.

The more you trade with Icons, the easier it gets. Once you have learned the market of one Icon you can add more and more meaning you will find more good value Icons and make more FIFA coins.

FUT Trading Mistakes to Avoid.


- Buying without full knowledge of that Icons value.

The key to using this FIFA trading method successfully is knowing what’s a good price for each Icon. You need to have full knowledge of an Icons price fluctuations before you start trading.

- Over investing.

Don’t spend all your FIFA coins on one type of investment. One of the keys to being a great FIFA trader is staying diversified!

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All FIFA assets are property of EA Sports

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